Myles's 12 Week Body how!
Myles is an incredible example of what can be achieved when you really put your mind to it. He initially used the Weight loss Plan to help reach the body shape he wanted, adding 'The Test' to his supplement regime to help boost natural testosterone levels, promoting muscle gain and strength. Here is what he said:
'So I started training 1st of March last year and set myself a 12 week goal to lose 20kg. I was weighing 107.1kg and managed to drop to 87.8kg in the 12 weeks. I had never tried anything else in terms of supplements, but had seen the likes of Fabian Edwards using Grilla Fitness products for his training. So I decided to invest in the weight loss stack (Burn Blend, Burn Bullets and Target Zone CLA). I mainly focused on cardio lots of multiple body workouts, such as body weight circuits, treadmill, watt bike etc. Once I was happy with my progress I started to integrate weights into my training twice a week so I could burn fat from around my muscle and tone up more, I was training 6 days a week from anywhere between 40 mins to 2 hours a day. With your product I feel alive and energetic with energy to burn 🏼I also used the “The Test” more recently as well. I’m now focusing on doing my PT course through being so much more positive and fit again