Shut up and SQUAT

No matter how many times your gym buddies tell you 'you need to train legs to grow, burn calories and to tone' you just don't want to do it. We have all been guilty of this, putting off the 'leg days' for any other body part to work on that we can think of. I wonder why this is? Personally I didn't train legs as much because in my mind it was more important have a well built upper body. If this is also your mind set, you are in big trouble when the sun comes out (and it does sometimes in England), or more commonly we go on holiday and have to put our speedos on or the ladies their bikinis. There is nothing worse than having a great upper body and stick thin legs, or be fantastically toned from the waist up and a horror show legs wise. As is more common with the girls now days, having well defined bums and legs are more and more important than being super thin. You wont get there without training your legs and training them till they burn.
So for men and women, looking to burn fat, get toned and bulk up training legs is vital to any training routine.
The benefits of training legs
1. You will burn bundles and bundles of calories
2. It helps release growth hormone helping the rest of the body grow better when its time to train those parts
3. You will look in more proportion
4. Lots of leg workouts exercises will involve core stability, so you will be training your core strength
5. You will feel exhausted but fantastic after a great let work out
6. You will look great on a beach ;)