Harry Lost Nearly 5st Using Burn Bullets

Harry Lost Nearly 5st Using Burn Bullets

Growing up, I was never worried about my weight, until I reached high school when I started noticing that I was gaining more pounds on my body than in my wallet...

 I would always tell myself that I wouldn't 'go over' another stone, but this never worked...hence the pictures.



I hated P.E in high school and I do recall getting called 'lazy' a number of times by my P.E teacher; I feel that this pressure to do such a wide range of sport is what personally, put me off sport as a whole. I had just started college, I weighed myself, shocked, upset and embarrassed, I made dramatic changes.

 It was October half term when I decided to purchase a treadmill, using this for a whole week with healthy eating, I managed to lose around 10lb, which was well needed at the time as I was 6ft 4 (therefore already a rather large human being to start with) and needed to lose weight rapidly as I was constantly tired and eating creme eggs! However, I was so tired and by the end of the week i really did feel that I couldn't carry on with my weight loss journey. I knew that I needed something to boost my energy levels in order for me to get to a healthy weight and continue to stay fit. A few days later, I came across a range of products such as; raspberry keytones and other various weight loss tablets from Holland and Barrett;.... these didn't work!!!!!!!.

 Having seen grilla fitness advertised on Instagram, I decided to purchase some 'burn bullets'. These worked a treat!

 Friends and family were shocked at the pace in which I was losing weight and by Xmas, I had lost around 2 stone! This was when I was still eating what I would normally eat, but not as much and going for a run 4/5 times a week on my treadmill. Christmas & New Year Hit and after spending this two-week holiday period in Tenerife, I was worried about my weight upon return! Was I wrong! I'd lost 4lb over this period! just by simply taking these tablets... two a day.

 Anyway, 2016 was a slow but effective year, I continued using the burn bullets and started eating much more healthily, replacing my creme eggs with apples and other various types of fruit, I was able to lose weight... fast, effectively and most importantly.. SAFELY! without the risk of me putting all the weight back on again as I decided to use a slower but more effective and efficient method that suited my fast-pace lifestyle.




Anyway, to cut a long story short, I still use these tablets today and have lost nearly five stone in around a year and half. I have only recently started going to the gym with my best friend more often and feel that these tablets are an excellent weight loss supplement to use if you are like I was! I have gained so much more confidence by losing this weight and I cannot recommend burn bullets highly enough to anyone who is wanting to lose weight properly and safely! My usual day consists of having brown toast and a banana for breakfast, small ham and salad sandwich for lunch and a home cooked meal for my evening meal along with plenty of water... and of course.. the all important two burn bullets tablets a day!!!

If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me!

Order your Burn Bullets today and Lose weight FAST like I did!


Harry Marshall - York



Burn Bullets

Regular price £29.99 Sale price£22.49

Introducing our new and improved Burn Bullets formulation!

Why did we change it?

Quite simply, to improve on an already incredible product. Using the latest research we set out to add more benefits to Burn Bullets.

Historically, Burn Bullets were formulated to help hit your body goals by ensuring that your metabolism is performing at its optimum level to burn calories for energy. This in turn creates a calorie deficit and therefore helps burn fat. This remains a key focus to Burn Bullets, but with improved ingredients

What’s new?

Based on customer feedback, our new blend of ingredients also focus on suppressing appetite. With added Glucomannan, African Mango, Raspberry Keytones and Bladderwrack, this combination will now help you feel fuller for longer.

Burn Bullets also help boost concentration, alertness, and energy whilst working out.

With increased energy, appetite suppressant and thermogic effect, together, these natural ingredients work in synergy to support healthy weight loss, helping you to achieve your desired results.

Recommended for:

  • Individuals at all fitness levels, from beginners to pro athletes.
  • All Genders.
  • Those requiring a helping hand to hit their body goals.
  • Working towards a specific occasion or event such as a Holiday or Wedding
  • Those looking to increase energy & motivation
  • Vegan friendly, soy & gluten-free.